Welcome to SUMO!
This is an interactive NLP-powered web tool developed by Odysseus Data Services Inc, that processes textual information available for PubMed Articles to create novel search and filtering strategies as well as generate descriptive analytics reports and overviews for the PubMed studies.
With SUMO, you can fast and efficiently search for relevant scientific publications using:
1) OMOP-specific parameters
2) parameters that describe key study characteristics
SUMO also allows you to build plots for the resulting articles to analyze:
- frequency of conditions/drugs
- frequency of condition/drug categories
- frequency of condition-drug pairs
- frequency of study design types
- frequency of data types
- frequency of statistical algorithms used in the studies
This is an interactive NLP-powered web tool developed by Odysseus Data Services Inc, that processes textual information available for PubMed Articles to create novel search and filtering strategies as well as generate descriptive analytics reports and overviews for the PubMed studies.
With SUMO, you can fast and efficiently search for relevant scientific publications using:
1) OMOP-specific parameters
2) parameters that describe key study characteristics
SUMO also allows you to build plots for the resulting articles to analyze:
- frequency of conditions/drugs
- frequency of condition/drug categories
- frequency of condition-drug pairs
- frequency of study design types
- frequency of data types
- frequency of statistical algorithms used in the studies
Publication Year Interval